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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bridge and Aperture

Alot of people have talked about how Aperture 3 basically replaces Adobe Bridge and Lightroom.

Well I never used lightroom to begin with. I used bridge and photoshop with each other. After playing around some more with everything I've decided you still need bridge. Bridge is great for being able to maintain files and search for them. It is much much quicker than Aperture when it comes to this. To delete a file off your computer is as simple as just hitting command + delete.

In Aperture all you do is remove it from the library or if you are referencing a file it basically just makes it disappear even though the file is still there.

Bridge all the way for maintaining files and sorting through the 1000s of pictures that are taken.
Aperture for quick edits.
Photoshop for more graphic edits.

1 comment:

Thomas Boyd said...

Aperture will delete a file off our computer as well. It first moves them to Aperture's Trash. You can then empty the trash. It's a better way to do it.